Micro-Sys A1 Sitemap v2.2.0
( ̄□ ̄")kali nih mau post g luput dri Dunia Blog (y)
ane mau bagi bagi software yg bermanfaat bgi blog klian(´∀`)
tapi versinya agag ketinggalan yo wess lah yg fenting pull persi #mnkin awakkkakak
Kegunaan :
# Dengan HTML dan XML Sitemaps untuk mempermudah blog kamu di mesin pencari (gugel,yahoo,bing,ask):
# mengindeks seluruh post di web kamu termasuk blog dan forum.
# Mempercepat mencari dan menampilkan kontennya.
# Kemudahan beban bandwidth pada server web Anda.
# menentukan halaman yang ditampilkan dalam halaman hasil mesin pencari.
yang paling penting kamu bisa membuat sitemaps:
# XML sitemaps protocol: Ping Google, Yahoo, Ask, MSN with XML sitemaps / Google sitemaps.
# Google mobile sitemap: Google XML sitemap for mobile phones content.
# Google news sitemap: Google XML sitemap for news content.
# Google video sitemap: Google XML sitemap for videos.
# Google code sitemap: Google XML sitemap for source code files.
# Google image sitemap: Google XML sitemap for images and graphics.
# Google base feed: Google Base extends RSS feeds. (Only common tags are supported.)
# RSS sitemap feed: RSS feed files use XML and often used for blog and forum websites.
# ROR sitemap feed: ROR sitemaps extends RSS feeds with more information.
# ASP.net web sitemap: ASP.Net website navigation and menu controls use Web.sitemap files.
# Text sitemap: Sitemap URL list format used by some search engines, e.g. Google and Yahoo.
# HTML sitemap: Many websites use HTML sitemaps as a navigation aid to visitors.
# HTML menu: HTML sitemap templates can also create URL lists for Javascript and CSS menus.
yg lebih lengkapnya nih SPARTA!!
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